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Elders of Hymera

The original Elders are derived from the eight dragon gods after the Dragon Wars stole their power and are now the Guardians of the Soul Stones, uphold the balance of magic, and the rulers of their elemental regions. They are each marked with a symbol that binds them to the magic.


Solen is the original Fire Dragon God that breathed fire to Hymera to give it warmth. He is also the dragon that showed the Dragonians the power of the FireBrand. Those that could withstand his powerful dragon's flame were gifted with a powerful core of fire magic. He is described as ill-tempered and prone to eat anything that annoyed him. He claimed Phyrous as his heir in both blood and magic as his mother was one of the dragons that he had been close to in the old world. He lost his life in the Second Dragon War against Searen.


The Fire Dragon Elder during the Chaos Wars, Phyrous is told to be as ill-tempered as the one he called his father but possesses none of the regal or noble qualities Solen possed. He was raised by Solen after the Dragon Queen Maveria dropped him off at Solen's den in the volcano Pyterra. His mother was a powerful Firebrand priestess that managed to make the Second Crossing after the Dragon Wars and died from her wounds and the enormous amount of magic that Phyrous required to hatch. His beast companion that helps to guard the Soul Stone is Kujoranathis, another Firebrand dragon that served his father. The staff you see him with is only a sheath for the sword it holds inside and Kujoranathis is usually the fire breathing dragon that is on the hilt to keep enemies from getting to close.


Another of the eight dragon gods, Slyph is the one responsible for bringing clean, healing air to Hymera. She was the one Searen targeted to get close to the Elders and bore Searen a child before she sacrificed herself to seal him away before he killed every Elder and destroyed Hymera.


The current Wind Elder during the chaos wars, Skyla is also the princess to the Aryata.

Unlike the other winged Aryata Skyla's wings reflect her birdlike dragon's form and are usually the first thing anyone notices when they see her. She wields battle fans that can come apart to shoot at the enemy or create slicing winds. Her signature move is to surround herself by cutting winds to keep enemies away from her as she attacks with the daggers created by her fans. She can replenish these fans with the scales on her own wings. Unlike the other Elders, she chooses not to have a Beast Companion. 


One of the Eight Dragon Gods, Jokul is named for the frost breath he was so known for by the giants that he brought from the old world with him. He created the Icelands as a home for them and for Fenrir at Loki's request. The one he was told to protect with all his might was the daughter of Skadi that was sent to keep an eye on Fenrir as she was one of the few that the giant wolf actually trusted. He was killed during the Second Dragon War.


The ruling queen of the Frost Giants that reside in Hymera, Iceria took the mantle of Ice Elder after Jokul died and is the Ice Elder during the Chaos War. She was one of the few that Fenrir would be bound to after the Royal Court's betrayal and as the daughter of a goddess she had an affinity for ice and snow that was stronger than the others. She keeps a large snow leopard at her side and while she can create any manner of weapon with her ice magic, she is more well known for the large shield she carries.


The Earth Dragon God who gave the mountains and forests to Hymera, Gaius is one of the few Dragon Gods to survive the Second Dragon War. He is the only one to also hold his title as Earth Elder after the war. His wife ruled in his stead while he slept but she never took the title. His Dragon form is a giant Basilisk that can freeze an enemy in place with his stare and his venom is extremely potent. His weapon is a giant two-headed axe that can cleave large rocks in two. It is often nicknamed the Earth Shatterer, as any hit to the ground that he magnifies with his power can create earthquakes and the ground to split and crumble beneath his enemies. He does not keep a beast companion.


One of the original dragon gods, he gives energy and storms to Hymera. He died trying to protect the Light Elder Hoshi from the Dark Elder before the fight with Searen ever began.


Bolten guards the gates of Hymera to make sure a repeat of the Beast Wars and someone like Searen slipping through again. Like Aumerah he is a chimera that the mages of the world created for Aumerah as a thank you for bringing them to Hymera.  The Beast King offered up some of his own power to give life to the Gate Guardian

Original Dark Elder

The Dark Dragon God was not born evil but loved the darkness and the shadows that made his playground, but in the darkness lives chaos that unbalances even the noblest of hearts. When he came to Hymera it was to keep a balance between the celestial and shadow magic. He mostly kept to himself. No one knows why he turned on the Light Elder that day, but it is now his most known action. Thundrex the Lightning Elder had come to the Light Elder's aid and all three died before the fight with Searen even began.

LucerisBeast Bust.jpg


After the Dark Elder turned on the light Aumerah, felt it necessary to bind the two Elders together so they couldn't harm the other and that balance would reign between the two elements. Her plan required her to make a request of the Kitsune Empress Himiko to allow her two unborn kits to become the new Elders of Light and Darkness.

Luceria is the dark counterpart and is the only Shadow Kitsune to be born in Hymera. With her black fur and her more scary dragon features, she is not well received in the kitsune clan, despite being her sister's twin and also a princess of the clan. When she left the clan to receive her power from Drakren she met her current mate and the two of them stay in the Nightlands. He is now her Guardian and shares in the protection of the dark soul stone. He taught her how to wield the scythe that gave her the unique class Death Dancer.


The original Dragon God of Light represented the goodness that was in the world and was a loving and carefree spirit. He was a master of celestial magic and the one that helped Lundera hand her stars in the sky. In the Second Dragon War, the Dark Dragon killed him siding with Searen. Hoshi's loss was wide felt.


After the Dark Elder turned on the light Aumerah, felt it necessary to bind the two Elders together so they couldn't harm the other and that balance would reign between the two elements. Her plan required her to make a request of the Kitsune Empress Himiko to allow her two unborn kits to become the new Elders of Light and Darkness.  Hikari is the light counterpart and the beloved princess of the clan. Her mother refused to allow her to wield weapons so she was forced to hone her magic so she could protect herself. She uses quartz on her gloves to harness her magic before she releases it. She does have dragon horns like her sister in both forms but in contrast to Luceria's spiked ram-like horns, her horns were more stag like that curl like a crown and the clan often made beads to adorn her with. Despite the fact that because she is the Elder and her loyalty is to the Celestial Sands the clan still wishes that she will succeed her mother's rule of the clan.


Another of the Eight Dragons, Ryuu is the dragon that flooded the land to give rise to the sea, rivers, and lakes of Hymera. Ryuu is mated to Rhecia. He was the original Water Elder and is one of the few surviving Dragon Gods from the second dragon war, he gave the remaining power to his wife. He now rules the seas of Hymera and keeps the underwater city safe from threats as she has taken his mantle of Elder.


Rheica is the current Water Elder during the Chaos Wars. A powerful sea goddess of the wold she was already powerful in her own right, but after her husband gifted her the remainder of his power and she connected to the water Soul Stone she surpasses even her husband in power. She weilds a shell encrusted spear, and when shifted to her dragon form, can create large tidal waves and whilpools. Her beast companion is the leviathon they rescued from the old world 

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