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Elemental Trials

          The elemental trials are meant for two things, to test out your bond with your Soul Beasts and raise your own ranking of that element, and the second is to test your skills and gain new beasts and rewards. There are eight trails, one for every element, and one for every elemental region. They were built close to where the Soul Beasts are kept near the source of mana so they could manifest their forms.

          If you are able to pass through the gauntlet of beasts and mazes you will meet with the Soul Beast at the end and they will gift you with a fragment of their mana to raise your own ability. If you wish to gain a different Soul Beast other than your patron then you will have to fight to prove your worth and that you have an understanding of the basic magic for that element.

          Your power and your beast's abilities go hand in hand. If you're only a rank one fire mage you need to increase your own magic to rank two before you can take the rank two trial. It's how the magic works and there are safeguards in place to make sure you don't try something stupid and burn out your mana channels.

Fire Trial

Fire Trial

Inside the Firelands Soul Beast Embrah

Water Trial

Water Trial

This trial is on an island right off the ocean coast towards the Icelands side. Bring your breathing spells, this entire trial is underwater. Soul beast Vicere

Ice Trial

Ice Trial

Inside the icelands the great Fenrir sleeps. Unlike the other soul beasts Fenrir is an old world god that Aumerah was asked to take here to Hymera so please take care if you intend to face him. Many of the creatures in here have freezing bites.

Lightning Trial

Lightning Trial

Located in the Sparking Sands this trial requires crossing the dessert to get too. Many of the creatures here are known for their lightning fast attacks and their numbing power. Soul Beast Indra

Earth Trial

Earth Trial

The trial is located outside of Fayrim Soul Beast Artia

Light Trial

Light Trial

Soul Beast Mitaru

Dark Trial

Dark Trial

Soul Beast Drakren

Wind Trial

Wind Trial

Located in the wind caves below the sacred city Soul Beast Horati

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