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Tamer's Guide

          Welcome to the Tamer's Guild. The creatures of our world have always had a special place in the Goddess' heart and is one of the main reasons that she created Hymera. After the betrayal that sealed our Beast Guardians into the Soul Stones began to affect all of the creatures around our world we were tasked to help take the burden off of the creatures by helping them regulate thier mana flow. You are partners, linked by your magic, and not master and servant, and some beasts really don't like the thought of being a Tamer's pet. The Beast King is very strict on how his creatures are to be treated. They are there to help protect you and to be a companion along the journey, but never forced to fight, doing so will break the bond and set the creature loose. The same goes for abuse, althought that will also get you banned from the Tamer's Guild.

          You are going to need a few tools.

          The first is your Beastiary. Yes, we all know that the true latin is Bestiary, as Noctes will tell you if you're ever speak the word around her, but as a book of beasts the Beast King wanted it named that, and as he is our patron god we don't argue with him over something that people mispronounce anyways. It will store the beast's soul stones that you bond with, and connect your magic. It is also a comprehensive list of all tamable beasts of Hymera. If you come across something that isn't in the Beastiary please proceed with caution, there are many gods, elders, and other powerful beings who take an animal form and they get really cranky if you attack them in hopes of getting a cool pet that hasn't been discovered before.

          The second is your Tamer's Glove. It can hold the soulstones of the pets you most frequently use. You'll want to put it on the hand that you use the most because that is usally the best hand for focusing magic into. It will help you channel spells and become a portal for the beast to manifest from.

          The other thing that you will need are unused soul stones and your tamer spells. These stones are given to us by the Beast King and are to not be touched by someone who does not have his blessing. With the use of the spells they give a place to house the energy of the beast and connect them to your magic. See them as your own soul stone and you bond it to thier soulstone to become linked. Thier pain becomes yours as well if you abuse that link, so be nice and make freinds, otherwise you're probably gonna get bitten. That is why we are called tamers and not summoners. Yes we summon the beast from the astral plane where they stay until we call for them, but as someone who is supposed to create a bond we tame our creatures to learn more about them and benefit one another. If that makes you roll your eyes then get out now, the Beast King gets a little irritated at those who just want to be a tamer for fun and not do your job, and an irritated god usually isn't good for the irritator.

          For those of you who care the Beast King's name is Mezrah. He is now your patron god by default when you join the Tamer's guild. You can worship who you want but you answer to him since it is his beasts you are partnering with.

          Now for the beasts themselves. There are ten ranks and the Soul Beasts who will become your patron. Your patron should match your own magic. If you can conjur fire, you'd want Embrah for instance. There are eight Soul Beasts, one for every element. If you don't know what your affinity is we can find it for you. The ranks are determined by how much magic the beast got affected by and the amount of elemental magic they can weild. It's generally a fair observation that the bigger a creature is in size the higher the rank it is. Most summoners aren't able to handle anything above a rank 6, so start small and keep in mind that anything that isn't your element will take alot more of your mana for battle.

           Please see the information for the beasts here. To gain more affinity to your patron Soul Beast or to gain the help of another Soul Beast for another element you learn you will need to take the Elemental Trials. More information on that is here, but let's get you your essentials and then we can deal with the rest.

The Tamer's mark

The Tamer's mark

This is the insignia of the Tamer's Guild. If you see wings on each side than that is the mark of the Beast King's Protection. Only High Ranking or trusted Tamers get that honor.

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